Approved By: Dr. Joan Kaufman Reviewed By: Dr. Ken Kobak Created By: Alison Deep
*Allows users to go back to the last question/previous question and edit the answer value they have done already. * If the User is in SA type, they can only edit the previous question. The previous questoin can be from a different module. For Suicide and homicide one can edit upto the question that generate alerts (ie., 1.23.4.Q1) * If the User is in CA type, they can edit any question he answered in the same/other module. Suicide and Homicide cannot be edited. * Once user gets to the supplement for a module, that module cannot be edited in the screener * We added color codes to show the status of module for CA with ModuleLanding.cs page (Module selection between interview feature) * Edit/back button can be disabled for the group from Site Admin module. *We added a service once a day to generate email to inform the admin about the sites who are running low on licenses and to add license from the email.
New Ksads version for ABCD https://abcdstudy.org/
This DSM V based computerized assessment tool provides a comprehensive and cost-efficient method for obtaining a diagnostic evaluation. The procedural standardization of administration insures comprehensive coverage of all important areas in a nonthreatening, clinically neutral environment. The Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children (K-SADS) is the most widely used and well validated diagnostic interview for children and adolescents. The computer-administered KSADS is modeled after the clinician version, and evaluates the same disorders. As with the clinician KSADS, separate computer interviews are conducted for the parent and the child in order to obtain a more comprehensive evaluation. Embedded symptom rating scales provide valid measures of severity in addition to diagnoses. Thus it can be used to monitor treatment progress and document treatment outcomes.